Parish Planning Council is the governing body of the church. Members meet on the first Tuesday of most months at 6:00 p.m.
Executive Director: Nancy Kaufman
Asst. Executive Director: Nancy Passehl
Treasurer: Donna Nelson
Secretary: Cathy Yanke
Parish Planning Council also includes all Board Chairs:
Evangelism: Gwen Ringelstetter
Fellowship: Cathy McAlexander
Lay Ministry: Gina Varley
Parish Education: James Newman
Properties: Lon Kaderavek
PR and Social Concerns: Ellen Jorgensen
Stewardship: Anne Klinkner
Women of the ELCA: Eunice Yanke
Youth: Tracy Pape
Member-at-Large: Roger Seymour
Members-at-Large-Youth: Sean Jager
Council Boards
PARISH EDUCATION BOARD Meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 6pm
Chair: James Newman
Description: The board plans and administers the total education program for the congregation. Members determine policy, select personnel for teaching and administrative positions and provide the necessary means and facilities for these volunteers. Subcommittees include Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Library, Adult Education, Youth Education, and Confirmation, which report to the Parish Education Board at their monthly meetings.
WOMEN OF THE ELCA BOARD Meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 9:30am
Chair: Eunice Yanke
Description: This board is described in the Women’s Ministries section.
FELLOWSHIP BOARD Meets on the 2nd Monday of the month at 1pm
Chair: Cathy McAlexander
Description: Members plan and implement larger gatherings of the congregation for the fellowship of all. They provide food and servers for funeral lunches as needed. Their largest task is providing the annual Passion Sunday breakfast. Members keep the kitchen supplied with items such as coffee, cups, plates, napkins, etc.
YOUTH BOARD Meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 6pm
Chair: Tracy Pape
Description: The Youth Board promotes events designed to increase the participation of the congregation’s youth members. Efforts are aimed specifically at youth from 6th grade through post high school. Major goals are increasing public service and church service participation.
PUBLIC RELATIONS AND SOCIAL CONCERNS BOARD Meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 5:30pm
Chair: Ellen Jorgensen
Description: The board’s main focus is outreach to other churches and the local and worldwide community. Members are responsible for publicizing our worship services in the local and area papers. Special programs they participate in include: Mobile Meals, Food Pantry, Global Health Ministry, ELCA Hunger Appeal, Good Neighbor Fund, and other social concerns that arise.
LAY MINISTRY BOARD Meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 5pm
Chair: Gina Varley
Description: This Board works closely with the pastors and the Director of Music to coordinate all facets of the worship service: liturgies, choirs, ushers, communion assistants, readers, greeters, new forms of worship, and church and chancel decorations.
EVANGELISM BOARD Meets on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 9:15am
Chair: Gwen Ringelstetter
Description: Board members contact people regarding church membership through sending letters to those signing the guest register or completing visitor cards, inviting new residents to worship, and personal follow up with visitors. Members work with the Fellowship Board to schedule and host new member receptions. The Board also seeks to involve members in the life of the church. This Board also arranges transportation to and from church or community appointments for those who need rides.
PROPERTIES BOARD Meets on the last Tuesday of the month at 6pm
Chair: Lon Kaderavek
Description: The Properties Board is primarily responsible for the maintenance and repair of church property and general congregational protection against loss or damage. Activities range from parsonage remodeling to painting the stripes in the parking lot to reviewing insurance policies for adequate coverage. One member of the Properties Board mows the grass and rakes leaves during the warmer months. Another operates the snow blower and keeps the walks clean when necessary.
STEWARDSHIP BOARD Meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6pm
Chair: Anne Klinkner
Description: Members of this board conduct an annual Stewardship Response Program, develop a time and talent survey, select a committee to audit financial records, assemble the annual congregational budget, order offering envelopes, encourage first-fruits giving, encourage missionary sponsorship and distribute special benevolence offerings.