Services – During a typical worship service at St. John’s you will experience a variety of traditional liturgies from the Evangelical Lutheran Worship hymnal. Our worship is led by piano and organ every week – with tone chimes, drums, and other instruments thrown into the mix on occasion.
Children of all ages are encouraged to come to worship, and we have special activity bags for their use in the gathering area as you walk into the sanctuary.
You will see people of every age helping with worship doing things from ushering to serving as the assisting minister. You are welcome to serve in whatever way you feel most comfortable!
Holy Communion is served at every service. All are welcome to the table because it is Christ who invites you. Children can start communing at any age. Please see a pastor if your child is ready to begin taking communion.
Nursery – Children are always welcome in worship. However we know there are times when having a nursery for your children is helpful for you. We have a wonderful nursery room just down the hall from the Sanctuary, in the Education wing. There is always a 7th, 8th or 9th grade student volunteer available to watch your children while you are in worship.